Community Connections for Mental Wellness

CCMW is a 100% volunteer funded and facilitated organization.

Our Purpose

CCMW hosts weekly free peer-to-peer talk support group meetings open to the entire community both in person and online- groups are individualized for mood disorders, other specific mental illness and gender groups- with room to grow and expand to include more individualized groups. In addition to weekly group meetings, CCMW offers monthly book clubs, yoga classes, art classes, and more. CCMW is committed to community engagement with like-minded organizations, collaborating for fundraising, raising awareness, facilitating discussions on mental health matters, and celebrating achievements to increase community connectedness. Furthermore, CCMW strives to promote wellness and self-efficacy among individuals with mental illnesses and their loved ones through educational initiatives within our support groups and events. We also seek to inspire advocacy through our marketing efforts and active presence on social media platforms. 

Our Mission

CCMW, Community Connections for Mental Wellness, is dedicated to providing a friendly and caring place for everyone navigating the complexities of mental health. Our mission is to create a peer-to-peer network where every individual, regardless of their mental health challenges, feels seen, heard, and valued. We understand that dealing with mental health is different for everyone. This includes the person personally affected, and their family and friends. We strive to make a place where everyone, from any background, feels welcome and part of a healing community. Our way of doing things is based on kindness, hope, and helping people feel stronger. We believe that sharing our stories is a strong support mechanism and a powerful way to heal together. More than traditional support group frameworks; we're a place where people can make real connections and grow- finding comfort through social connection. In this empowered community, every voice matters. We encourage everyone to be their own advocate, to grow, and be an active part of their journey to wellness. We encourage a culture of respect for ourselves and others. We are committed to changing misunderstandings about mental health while practicing radical acceptance. Our purpose is not just to support one another through the challenges but to celebrate together in the triumphs, big and small. Our mission at CCMW is clear: to provide a nurturing community that empowers individuals to embrace their mental health journey with courage, dignity, and respect. Together, we break the stigma, support each other, and build a future where mental wellness is accessible and embraced by all. 

Our Values

  1. We respect and honor the individual needs of each peer and do not give unwarranted advice. We provide a space of acceptance that many do not feel on a regular basis.

  2. We uphold a non-judgmental environment where every member feels safe to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences without fear of criticism or condemnation.

  3. What is said here, stays here. This is the cornerstone of confidentiality, valuing the trust and privacy of all participants.

  4. We prioritize equality by accepting all cultural, linguistic, social, racial, physical and intellectual disability, age, gender identity and sexual orientation differences, and we proactively promote their acceptance.

  5. We are firm in the ideas of compassion, acceptance, understanding, and unconditional love towards oneself and others.

  6. We empower one another to take control of our mental health journey, offering support and encouragement to build resilience for continuous personal growth.

  7. We emphasize the importance of active listening, valuing hearing not just listening, and practicing open-mindedness to each other's perspectives and concerns.

  8. We encourage healthy conflict resolution, promoting constructive discussions when differences arise within the group.

About Us

CCMW was founded in Reno, Nevada by Kailey, Jonathan, and Aliya, each bringing their own personal journey with mental illness to the table. While therapy, psychiatry, and intensive programs are all immensely important to the wellness process, so is social connection from those who understand. We discovered the profound impact of peer support on our own paths toward healing and have since observed its positive effects on others facing similar challenges. Kailey and Jonathan began the first support group in fall 2021 with the thought that they were not alone in how their mental illnesses had affected them and with the intention for others to also know and feel that they are not alone. 

In Reno we have recognized a gap in health management post treatment as well as a void in accessible peer group support. Release from care of IP or IOP programs often begs the question, “What happens after this?” The mental illness management goal is often ‘being stable.’ But being stable doesn't always mean being well. What happens when medications are managed, continuous support by a therapist is obtained, and you are considered stable- but you still do not feel well? This is where continued social connection becomes so important. We all deserve to thrive, not just survive.

At CCMW, we believe that healing goes beyond clinical interventions and traditional treatment. It's about building a community where every member can share, grow, and thrive. We provide a place of belonging and connection, where individuals can continue their journey towards wellness surrounded by those who truly understand. We offer a range of support activities, from peer support groups to free yoga, crafting, book clubs, and other social activities designed to foster a sense of community and mutual support. We plan to expand our peer support groups across various locations and times, enhancing the accessibility of this vital resource. Our goal is to also cater to specific needs by offering specialized mental wellness support groups, including those for men, women, the LGBTQIA community, BIPOC individuals, different age groups and more. At CCMW we are redefining mental wellness through the power of community and connection - empowered community empowers community.

“Empowered community empowers community.”